Solar Panel Installation

Solar Energy For Your Home

Reduce your energy costs with our domestic solar PV systems

Our Services

GivEnergy Solar Storage Batteries

Solar storage batteries reduce energy bills and carbon emissions

Longi Solar Panels

The more solar energy you generate, the less you’ll pay for electricity

Solar Panel Installation

A comprehensive and full installation service from Nu-Look Solar

Supported Solar Installation

Our team of experts will provide ongoing training and support for you on your system to ensure you get the most out of your installation.

Get the most out of your setup with a “grid-connected” system, and charge batteries overnight at a more eco dual-rate tariff.

Expert integration of EV charging points within your solar installation, ensuring convenient access to clean energy for your electric vehicle.

We provide a battery-only installation option, offering homeowners an alternative way to save money on their energy bills without solar panels.

Our Brands

We're a family-run business with exceptional solar expertise and accreditations

With extensive experience in Solar Installations, we are committed to providing exceptional customer service, offering the very best products, fully accredited and certified.

MCS Certified Installer
TSI Approved Code Trading Standards
Renewable Energy Consumer Code
Energy Performance Validation

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Battery storage allows you to store any excess electricity generated from your solar panels for later use. There are several different styles and capacities of batteries, and our experts will recommend the most suitable option for your home. Some batteries allow you to draw electricity from the grid cheaply overnight and power your home throughout the day using your battery. Integrating batteries into your solar system will maximize overall savings and promote self-consumption.

The cost of solar installation can vary greatly, depending on several factors, such as the size of the system, the type of equipment, the battery, and the property requirements. To provide an accurate estimate, we conduct a thorough assessment of your home and your energy needs. Our team will tailor a solution that best suits you and offers maximum energy savings. The average cost of an installation is around £9,000 but ranges from small installations at £2,500 to larger installations at £14,000.

Our customer care commitment extends beyond the initial installation process. All our work comes with a comprehensive 10-year insurance-backed warranty, which includes deposit protection. Furthermore, all the products we install come with a warranty ranging from 5 to 25 years. Details on the product and workmanship warranties will be preceded by any quote and can be requested.

There are several factors to consider before proceeding with a solar panel installation. It is essential to have a pitched roof space that can accommodate 4 panels or more. It is also critical that your roof receives enough sunlight throughout the day, making a north-facing roof unsuitable. Scaffolding is required for a solar installation, so enough space beneath this part of the building is important. Our experts will ensure that a solar installation is financially feasible for your home. High energy-using households will see the best return on investment due to reduced energy bills.

This depends on the amount of power you want to produce. The more Solar Panels, the more power produced. However, normally, installations produce a minimum of about 1kW peak power, which will require approximately 10 square metres of roof space.

Once we have installed your Solar Panels, we will leave you with details of the maintenance checks you will need to do occasionally.

Since the end of the ‘Feed-in Tariff,’ any property with a PV installation no longer needs an EPC. Solar PV owners can now be paid for their exported electricity by their energy supplier without the need for an EPC.

Solar energy is a renewable source of energy. It is environmentally friendly because it doesn’t generate greenhouse gases. It also helps reduce one’s carbon footprint, meaning one is doing one’s bit for the environment.