Solar panel being installed on roof

How adding renewable energy can benefit your home

The idea of affordable and reliable renewable energy options has captivated countless homeowners eager to take charge of their energy production. Embracing alternative clean energy not only offers significant advantages for those looking to trim down utility expenses but also ensures a steadfast electricity supply while contributing to environmental well-being. 

Savings on your energy bills 

Unlike traditional energy sources that rely on costly fuel supplies, solar energy stands out as a readily available and abundant option. By harnessing the power of sunlight around your home to generate your own electricity, you can reduce your energy bills and save money. 

Despite occasional fluctuations in energy prices, solar energy remains more cost-effective than fossil fuels, as evidenced by its ongoing affordability compared to nuclear, gas, or coal. 

As for installation costs, they inevitably pay for themselves because solar panels have a lifespan of between 25 and 30 years. Some models can even last up to 50 years! 

Why renewable and why now? 

A compelling aspect of residential renewable energy lies in its financial advantages. Solar energy, increasingly affordable, is the favoured choice for homeowners aiming to diminish their carbon footprint. 

Where conventional energy sources such as oil and gas often fluctuate in price and are inherently inflationary, solar power enables homeowners to reduce their utility bills and lock in savings over time. 

Installing solar panels on the roof of your home is a positive step toward protecting the environment. They allow you to produce solar energy while considerably reducing emissions of CO2 and other air pollutants. Using solar power for your home’s energy needs is a great way to help limit the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change. 

Having solar panels on your roof is also a way to raise awareness: it shows your neighbours that this green technology exists and is accessible. 

Added value for your property 

Beyond the immediate financial benefits, installing solar panels enhances the environmental credentials of your home. Green credentials, defined by ADEME as the “value added to a property through improved environmental performance,” also encompass the added value associated with a home’s commendable energy performance. 

This added value, estimated by MaPrimeRénov, falls between 15% and 25% and is officially recognized in the Energy Performance Certificate (DPE), a mandatory document for property sales in France. 

Lastly, the aesthetic and practical merits of solar energy cannot be overstated. Photovoltaic panels are not only easy to maintain but also adaptable in size and position, fitting seamlessly into various locations such as yards, roofs, and balconies. Their discreet and long-lasting nature makes them an appealing addition to any property. 

Source information for this came from:,subsidies)%20to%20encourage%20such%20investments.