Solar Installation

At Nu-Look Solar, we pride ourselves on providing a personal service at every stage of your solar installation journey. From your initial inquiry to your final installation and beyond, we offer a fully managed service that will fit your needs.

We understand that investing in solar is more than just a practical decision; it’s an investment in the environment and the future of your home. That is why our dedicated team is on hand to guide you through each stage of the process, taking care of your requirements.

Our comprehensive, full installation service means you can rest assured that you will get the very best system installed, that will benefit your needs and requirements and offer you the very best savings. We take care of everything from design, grid applications, warranties, and post-installation training.

After you have made an inquiry, you will receive a phone call from one of our solar experts to answer any questions and arrange a site visit. During the site visit, we will run through your energy usage, survey your home, and come up with a plan to install the most efficient and effective system for you. The system design and full breakdown will be sent over to you so you can review it in your own time. This will include images of how the system will look, a full breakdown of the energy generation figures, and the cost. We will then be on hand to answer any further questions or make any changes to your proposed system.

Once you are happy, you can accept the proposal, and we will arrange for a technical surveyor to visit. This will be a more in-depth survey and look at your roof space, fuse board, electrical meter, and other important factors.

Once a technical survey has been completed, we can book your installation. The first step of this will be scaffolding to the aspect where panels will be installed. Our roofers will then be on-site to connect rails to your roof and install the panels and cabling. Next, our electricians will install the inverter and any battery storage into your home and connect the system to your home and the grid. The installation team will then show you the system and how to control it.

Following the installation, we will be on hand to support you with any adjustments to the system and to solve any issues or questions you may have.